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  1. 用英语讲述一个派对【任何派对都行】?
  2. house party为什么玩不了?
  3. at a party和in a party区别?
  4. a party for英语作文?


说到参加派对,用英文表达大家可能第一时间想到take part in the party,go to a party等,今天呢给大家分享bbc英语教学的五种“去参加派对”的英语说法。 I.We are going to a New Year's bash. 我们要去一个新年庆祝聚会。 此处bash 是名词,是“聚会,派对”的非正式表达 2. We are h***ing a do to celebrate theNew Year. 我们准备开一个新年派对。 DO 在这里是名词,指“派对,庆祝聚会”这是英式口语表达,使用频率很高。 3.We plan to go out on NYE and h***ea real blowout. 我们准备去参加新年前夜的盛大聚会。 NYE 是New Year's Eve 的缩写,意思是“新年前夜或是除夕”。此处blowout 是美式英语“大型盛会,聚会”的口语表达。 4.This year's bun fight is held at the cityhall and we will be there. 今年的庆祝盛会将在市政厅举行,我们绝不缺席。 Bun fight 是英式口语表达。此处的含义是“大型的,正式举办的庆祝活动”。这是一个幽默的比喻。 5.We plan to join the knees-up at ourlocal pub. 我们准备去家附近酒馆举办的庆祝活动。 “Knees-up”是英式口语表达,实际含义是“充满活力,热闹的聚会”,通常这种派对特别热络,音乐爆棚,说话必须“扯着嗓子”且不容易听清楚。 这些,你学会了吗?跟同学同事参加派对也可以炫耀一下呢。

house party为什么玩不了?

House Party无法玩是因为该游戏还未获得中国大陆文化部门的审批。




at a party和in a party区别

in a party: 在聚会中,代表过程,参与其中.


at a party: 在一次聚会上,代表一次聚会而已,就是个场景.

顺便在这里引申下要区分in和at,in是在…里面,at是在某个时间某个场合上。in a party就更深意义的在于我们参与到聚会其中,at仅表示在聚会上

a party for英语作文?

A Party for Children's DayToday is the International Children’s Day. My school held a party for students. All classes took part in this show. Students prepared for it from month ago. The show was very wonderful. Some students sang songs, and some danced. Besides, there are some students performed painting and the piano. The audiences enjoyed the show happily. In the end, our president made a speech. He spoke highly of this show and our students. He wished us a h***y Children’s Day.



标签: 派对 party 聚会